Saturday, January 23, 2016

There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow

Each Friday, each of my classes spend time with younger students as their book buddies. The 8th graders venture to the 3K room. 

At the beginning of the year, some of the three-year-olds were a little afraid of the eighth graders. As a result, we decided to begin the time together as a large group for a shared reading. Pairs then separate to work on an activity to go along with that book. This Friday, we read There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow by Lucille Colandro. I love this series of books. They are 
fairly humerous, and the eighth grades even get into it as well. As the music teacher, the 3K teacher even belted the book out to the tune of the song! 

Afterwards, the pairs were given a blue piece of paper with the outline of a snowman, scraps of colored paper, glue, scissors, and....


We told them to create snowmen. Many weeks, we have a sample project for them to model. Other weeks, we allow the eighth graders to lead their 3K partners through it. Without a model this week, we got a lot of variety in these works of art! 

 Thankfully, I bought a lot of marshmallows for the occasion!