Monday, June 18, 2012

Calm Down Kit

Today’s “getting ready for a super-stellar school year” project was a Calm Down Kit I saw on Pinterest. The original source was the Social Work Practices at the UT Elementary School Blog ( I have some students in my classroom who could definitely benefit from this creation.

The idea behind the Calm Down Kit is that a student who gets worked up during class will be able to sit in a special spot with the items in the kit to help them cope with their emotions.

In my kit I choose to put the following things: a pack of tissue, crayons, scrap paper, play-doh, counting sticks, accent gems, pens, a stress ball, and a Sudoku puzzle book. I’m also planning on adding a pocket-sized Chicken Soup for the Soul as well as a rosary, which I can hopefully borrow from school.

I’m sure this kit is more of a work-in-progress. I’ll probably be thinking of more things to add to it during the school year!

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